The prize for working for free

A few weeks back, I was approached by a friend to help someone who wanted to start the path of freelance/consultancy work. He has struggled to put a foot in the door and from meeting him I got the impression he was not entirely sure what path to take. As curious as that sounds, it is quite a brilliant place to be. It gives you the ability and the insight to shape your path and environment. That being said, you need to keep yourself busy and get work that can ultimately help you progress your career – even if that means working for free.

Working for free especially in the current market has become a norm as jobs and projects are still fairly scarce. However that should not mean that you take on any job. Although you are not getting paid, there are still benefits you can maximise on:

Building up your contacts
You should try and take on a “free” project in a field that you either want to expand further into or have the opportunity to meet people who can further help your career. These are the people who will be the “who” in the old famous phrase, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

Better access
Some projects will help you gain access to exclusive events or expensive ticket items for free. You may not get to submerge yourself completely in the event but that should not stop you from networking and meeting new people. Also, at events such as these, top end speakers are hired and you get an insight and hear first hand about trending topics from industry experts.

Learning new skills
Dont be afraid to take on projects that you have little experience in or is outside your comfort zone. The client will most likely give you a helping hand and as you are not being paid, you do have that safety net of lower expectations. That being said, do not take on a project that you are completely clueless about, as that will impair your reputation for further paid work.

Padding up your CV
If nothing else, and you do decide to get back to a 9-5 job, having something to show on your CV will hold a lot more weight (even if you didn’t get paid) than having a blank space. This will show a future employer that you were driven to follow your passion.

Loving what you do
As the saying goes, if you love your work then you really are not working (or something like that!). But always make sure that you have your basic financial bases covered otherwise even your dream project may be a struggle.

This blog was also published on kippreport


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