Let me run by a typical scenario for you. You need something done and you approach company ABC and ask for it to be done. In light of customer service/retention they promise to deliver what you want in a specified period of time to your liking. Specified date and time comes about and lo and behold, company ABC was unable to deliver. Why? Well the normal excuses start –  employees being sick; delay in ordering material; some unforeseeable act of mother nature (yes I have had that excuse) etc etc etc. If you are persistent enough to get to the crux of it, you come to realise that company ABC was never able to either complete the work or do it int he time promised. So why could they have not said so in the beginning?

Saying yes has come quite easy. A generally attitude of say yes now and look for excuses later rather then say no and seem unprofessional. In my opinion, saying yes and not delivering is far more unprofessional. Suffice to say I will never be using company ABC again. Truth be told if they had said that it would take longer from the start then I would have been far more appreciative of their candeur rather then besmirch them for lack of deliverance.

This also reflects in ourselves as either a service provider or an employee. We are quick to say yes to be seen favourable in the eyes of whoever it is we are trying to please rather then being honest. I have seen and experienced such a behaviour and I have always appreciated honesty rather then falsity. Sometimes saying no is the right thing to do. It not only shows honesty but gives whoever is asking another option. Something that may not seem obvious in the short term but  will reap far more rewards in the future.

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