Deadlift Your Anger

I love performing a deadlift. I hate my anger. But sometimes you have got to do deal with what you hate. That doesn’t mean you cant deal with it like you would with something you enjoy.

Approach the bar. Assess the weight you are about to lift up. Are you ready to take it on? Step up to the bar. Get a good strong grip on the bar. Keep your back straight, lock in your feet. Breathe. Concentrate. Lift. Back straight. Keep the bar there.  As soon as you have locked out the lift, drop it and step back.

Approach the situation. Assess the problem you need to tackle. Are you ready to take it on? Step up to the situation. Get a good strong and clear assessment of the situation. Keep your head straight and lock in your focus, Breathe. Concentrate. Stay focussed. Deal with the situation. As soon as you have, let it go and walk away.

Sometimes you don’t only lift once and sometimes you fail.

Sometimes you can’t just tackle a situation just once. Sometimes you fail at dealing with it.

The important lessons I have learnt is not to be too quick at being angry. To learn from lessons when you have failed and when you have succeeded at dealing with it. It’s easy to lift the weight that we are comfortable. We will never get better if we don’t get uncomfortable with being comfortable.

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