Consequential Emotions

I felt anger. I felt ashamed. I felt even more anger for feeling anger. How did I let anger get to me again?

How could I not?

I was taught a powerful message recently – it’s not the anger that we should be ashamed of, but what we do with it. This blew me away. I learnt this lesson over a month back and it still sits with me.

A friend told me that they were feeling antisocial. But that feeling of being antisocial helped them with their yoga as it made them turn inwards. Hearing them say this left me quite profound.

Think about it. Something which normal society has put a taboo on, is turned into a tool of self healing and self love.

I get so scared about some of my emotions that I feel disappointed with myself. I feel quite low. But understanding and learning how these feelings can be used for something so positive and loving is absolutely incredible to me.

Our emotions are not inconsequential. They are what we have been built on and nurtured with. They are as much as part of our lives as the people we meet and places we visit.

So I invite you to sit with an emotion. Maybe an emotion that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Understand it.
Feel it.
Love it.

Do you still feel as uncomfortable as you did before? Even if that shift is only fleeting, trust that your emotions are not inconsequential.

Your emotions are the pathways to your own joy. Your own love.

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