
happiness open grateful positivity


There Really Is No Secret To Being Happy

There is no secret to happiness. Like following through on a diet it takes little bit of time, a lot of patience and a equal dose of luck. Full disclosure – I am not a happiness guru but I have had a few rough moments in my life and here are ways that have helped me remain happy.

Be positive.

Every time something happens that puts you down, try as much as you can to be positive. The first few times will be hard but with practice it gets easier.

Be open

Be as open as you can be about what makes you happy. Once you accept what makes you happy, and not others then you can be truly happy. Sometimes that may mean cutting out negative influencers and those that bring you down.

Be Grateful

Take stock of what you have today. Not what you hope for tomorrow or what you’ve lost yesterday.

Want less

Wanting something is possibly a huge source of unhappiness. Most of wants we can’t get it without sacrificing something else and when we don’t get what we want it makes us unhappy.


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Smiling not only makes those around you smile (it is contagious!) it also makes your soul happier. I know when the chips are down smiling is the last thing on your mind but with a bit of perseverance, it really does work.

If all else fails – fake it.

Yup. Thats right. Fake being happy. Fake it for the people around you or because the circumstances demands it but still go ahead. Act like you are the happiest person alive. I promise you that you won’t even notice when the fake happiness and the true happiness starts.

We all have our bad days but the above tips have helped me push past them and remain happy….