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Change is good…

Change is always a good thing. Although the benefits cant be seen in the short term it does bring out the best in us. We adapt we adhere and we learn to embrace whatever shortcomings we discover during a time of change.

Change has always pushed us. To try harder. Find better solutions. Discover sustainable needs and also realising that done of our wants are not really wants but simple indulgences.

My generation has been out thru a stark reality check that if things are too good to be true – it probably is. However it shouldn’t and I don’t think it has, made us cautious. A trait that has had it positives and negatives. If the world we adopted had continued at the pace it had weir hour derailing then the lessons we were taught by our parents would have been harder to teach our own children.

As bad ad things are, we are yet in another climate of change. And though it may take time, this force of change will yet again make us better. So this change we are seeing is a good thing. It may just take some time for us to realise it.

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